...elegant music with a sparkle!
Wedding Ceremony Favorites
Every ceremony is unique but there are some traditional favorites every bride should consider

Amazing Grace
Bach - Air
Bach - Bist Du Bei Mir
Bach - Jesu Joy of Man’s desiring
Bach - Sheep May Safely Graze
Bach - Wachet Auf
Beethoven - Ode to Joy
Bernstein - One Hand One Heart
Clarke - Trumpet Voluntary
Foster - The Prayer
Hadyn - Austrian Hymn
Handel - Air
Handel - Hornpipe
Handel - La Rejoussance
Handel - Largo from Xerxes
Handel - Lascia Chi’o Pianga
Haydn - St. Anthony’s Chorale
Mendelssohn - Wedding March
Mouret - Rondeau
Pachebel - Kanon
Purcell - Trumpet tune
Schubert - Ave Maria
Vivaldi - Autumn-Allegro
Vivaldi - Spring-Allegro
Vivaldi - Winter-Largo
Wagner - Wedding March "Here Comes the Bride"
Weber - All I Ask Of you